Make Money With Deals N Cash

Earlier this year I told you about a few ways I made a little extra money/gifts last year. I have already reviewed:
I have made etra money last year, and this year, from a company called Deals N Cash. If you sign up through the banner below you will get $5 just for signing up!! 

I didn't start using this company until late July last year. I logged in quite a bit over about a 3 month period, but I have to admit I got busy in October and barely logged in at all between Oct-Dec. So, I made $25 for about 3 months of work; this consisted of logging in for about 5 minutes every few days and just looking over a few ads and then marking them as "read". 

This year some months I have been consistent, and other months I have only logged in a few times. I have earned around $62 so far this year. Looking back, I wish I had been more consistent because I could have earned EVEN MORE!! You can earn a lot more if you refer friends too.

I previously posted a full description of how this program works HERE. As I said before, you will not get rich with this program, but every little bit helps out - and it is SUPER EASY! I am saving the extra money I earn from these programs for Christmas.

You will get email reminders telling you when to log in, but if you do not regularly check your email you might want to consider something else. I have set up a reminder in my windows calendar program reminding me to log in every couple of days.

You will see banners further below in this post - these are other programs I use to make extra money too. These programs are not a scam and I HAVE been paid by all of them. I recommend signing up for a free email account with google and using this email address for all of these type of programs (makes it easier and you don't have to worry about spam or extra emails in your personal email account). 



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