The New Adventures Of Old Christine - Now 5 Nights A Week!

Have you ever seen the show "The New Adventures Of Old Christine"? It is hilarious! If you have seen the show you will remember that Christine has a pretty hectic life, and does a lot for Richie to make sure he has everything he needs. Whether it was dating the Lizard Guy to insure that Richie had a place in the Reptile Club, or just driving him from practice to practice.

What is the craziest thing you have ever done for your kids? Thinking back, I would say the craziest thing I have ever done for my kids is driving two hours away, and visiting about a dozen stores looking for a certain toy that my kids wanted for Christmas one year.

Tune in to "The New Adventures of Old Christine" 5 days a week! Check out this web site to find your local show times. If you have never seen the show this would be the perfect time to get started! 

Disclosure: I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for "The New Adventures of Old Christine".

1 comment:

  1. Love this show. How cool is it to get paid to talk about it?

    I don't have kids but I do have 4 nieces and a nephew with another bundle of joy on the way. The craziest thing I did for them was invite them all to come over and make Christmas Cookies for the big family Christmas. Sure sounds like fun... but did I mention they were all under the age of 8 at the time? As crazy and messy and sticky as it was it turned out to be a wonderful Holiday tradition that they still carry on without me 12 years later after I moved to another state and I get a box of the special cookies every year.

    Blessed be you and yours!
