Spring Cleaning And An Apology

Just wanted to apologize to all of my loyal readers for the lack of posts in the last 24 hours. 

I must admit I am not a real organized person. In fact, I would rather be doing almost anything than housework and cooking. Yesterday, out of the blue, I was bitten by the spring cleaning bug! Some of my "piles" were getting out of hand and I couldn't take it anymore. I spent most of the day Friday on a spring cleaning frenzy!! 

This is the reason for the lack of posts and I apologize.  

Now that the weather is starting to warm up are you getting in the mood for spring cleaning? Leave a comment below and tell me what sort of things you do for spring cleaning.



  1. I am a container freak and end up putting together (every spring) a new set of boxes, containers, baskets, etc. Then I sort, label, and package until my heart is content. This is my organizational therapy! :)

  2. Tonia - This seems right up my alley as I am THE world's most disorganized person. Could you give me some examples of what you put in the boxes and such, especially the baskets? THanks! I hope you see this!
