Calling All Illinois and Indiana Bloggers!

One of my New Year's Resolutions is to concentrate more on my blog this year. Since blogging is on my mind so much, I just thought it would be fun to "meet" other IL and IN bloggers. (I live in east central IL.) I would like to post more IL and IN deals if I can find the time. :)

I have been following these IL and IN blogs: (I know St. Louis is not in IL or IN but it is still in my area and I LOVE her blog!)

If anyone know of other blogs/bloggers from IL and IN please post them in a comment below this post. I would love to find others to follow and hopefully "meet" them via email. Who knows, maybe someday we can all meet in person!! :)


  1. Hi there, I've been enjoying your blog for a while and never knew you were in my area! We're in Indiana about 40 min. west of Purdue, near the state line.

    I don't have my own blog, but I'm looking forward to some local deals this year!!


  2. Hi Jenna! Yep, I am not too far from Terre Haute. I will start looking for local stuff this week. ;)
