Help! New Washing Machine & Dryer - Any Ideas or Tips???

I may be getting a little ahead of myself, but I think my 18 year old washer and dryer set have seen better days. My washing machine quit working yesterday and I have a repair man coming to look at it. I am hoping for a quick fix, but since it is 18 years old I am doubtful...

Soooo, I may be looking for a new set this week. Can anyone make a recommendation? I am "thinking" I want front loaders this time. Anyone have anything good or bad to say about these? I just need recommendations on brands, etc. Please leave a comment below and help me out! :)

p.s. Sorry for the lack of posts lately, I have been busy with spring cleaning and spring projects. If I have to spend a day or two looking at washers and dryers it may slow me down too. :(



  1. We just got a new LG washer and dryer set from Best Buy and I love it! It's a front load and your power company may also offer a rebate. And you may be able to take a break on your taxes.

  2. My husband & I Just bought a Kenmore 500 set from Sears. The set was under $800 (before taxes & delivery fee's) and we love it. The washer is not a front loader but it holds SO much and we contemplated on different sets for three days. I absolutely am thrilled by it.

  3. If you are used to a top loader and still love the way they clean clothes etc.. then stick with what you like. I have a front loader washer and dryer, I love them, their the LG brand and do a terrific job. But you have to remember if you get a front loader to balance the machine properly when installing and to do the maintenance on both the dryer and washer (things to clean out etc...) They are more work and we've already had a wire come loose and my hubby was able to fix it after many, many phone calls. That would have never happened with a top loader. I have to admit, I would be happy with either a front or top loader - they all do a great job. Stick with what you can afford, what has the best consumer ratings and you'll never go wrong.

  4. I have heard of problems with front loaders, leaking, seals, rust and snagging. But I dont have one so I really dcan't confirm.

    What I DOO know is Craigslist. We just bought a washer dryer set for $150. They were only a year old. The owner was being foreclosed upon by his HOA. The dryer still had the protective blue "saran wrap" covering on it.

    We search Craigslist for everything before even scoping out sales. Best of luck! Let us know what you find!

  5. Don't forget the energy rebates your state may be offering.
